Maguire & Expats
Amsterdam based firm Maguire provides services for tax advice, legal advice and accounting. Maguire’s tax advisors are experts in international tax law and are fluent in English, German and French (and a little less fluent in Spanish). Since the Netherlands – and Amsterdam in particular – has such an attraction to multinationals and expats, we offer full servicepackages to expats. We service both companies/employers and expats/employees.
We’re aware of the large amount of procedures an expat has to go through when moving to the Netherlands.
These procedures are often only available in Dutch or limited – mostly as a summary – in English and take loads of time and energy. Maguire can solve this problem by providing an one-stop-shop for a wide variety of services which saves you time and in many cases substantial amounts of money. The most common service we provide for expats is the Dutch personal income tax return. Especially in immigration or migration years the personal income tax return leads to substantial tax refunds.
A lot less known to expats are the benefits and allowances they’re entitled to. Especially expats with small children can receive substantial financial support from the Dutch government. Take childcarecosts for example. These can be quite high in the Netherlands. Fortunately, there are substantial benefits and subsidies to lower these costs in the form of childcare allowance (Dutch: “kinderopvangtoeslag”) and child benefit (Dutch: “kinderbijslag”). This can be requested via the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. Childcare allowance is available for all parents with children in day-care who are working or studying in the Netherlands. Maguire can help you with obtaining this allowance as well as all other allowances and benefits, such as healthcare allowances, rent allowance and child benefit (“kinderbijslag”).
We can also act as an intermediary between the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration and yourself. Maguire’s services include full correspondence handling and acting as your formal correspondence address with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. As part of our correspondence-address-service we scan and e-mail you all letters from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration with an English summary and short to-do included.
The Maguire expatdesk provides (amongst other) the following services:
conducting salary administration for employers, also for foreign employers with employees working in the Netherlands;
filing income tax returns;
requesting 30%-rulings for employees;
requesting special employer’s status with IND (Erkend Referent) or working permits for employees;
requesting A1/E101 statements;
requesting benefits and allowances;
advising on salary splits and other cross border labour situations;
total service packages for employee relocations (immigrations and emigrations);
tax correspondence service for Dutch Tax Administration letters (correspondence address, scan, translate and mail service);
high quality pension consultancy for expats in association with Expat Pension Holland
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