Maguire & foreign entrepreneurs / HNWI
We have broad experience with foreign entrepreneurs and their specific fiscal and legal issues: and that experience reflects in their financial accounts in which those issues have to be implemented correctly. With the same passion we call ourselves a one-stop home for foreign high net-worth individuals.

Maguire and BV companies for incoming expats
The Dutch BV company form (limited liability company on shareholding basis) is a lean entity, which can be set-up very quickly and with a share capital as low as € 0,01. It also enjoys corporate income tax rates which – especially at moderate profits – are among the lowest in the EU.
The BV can be used both as an operational company for your personal business or as a holding company for investments in other companies worldwide – in the latter situation, it may enjoy the benefits of the broad Dutch tax treaty network which often allows for low or zero withholding tax on dividend payments to a Dutch parent company.
The BV in combination with the 30%-ruling for incoming employees provides additional advantages to immigrants who either generate substantial business income or have substantial personal wealth: This combination provides a great tax climate for people wishing to move their residency to The Netherlands. We’ll be happy to tell you more about it. Next to that, we are very experienced in handling and optimizing all fiscal and accountancy matters for BV companies and their shareholders – not in the least because it’s the legal form in which Maguire and its partners operate themselves.
Among the services we render for independent professionals and partnerships:
conducting the company accounting (in either Yuki or AFAS-software)
composing the annual accounts of your BV’s or partnership
composing the tax returns (income tax return and corporate income tax return)
handling VAT-returns (BTW)
handling your staff’s salary administration and wage tax issues
accompanying the transfer of enterprises into BV’s
advising on acquisitions of and participation into companies
advising or mediating in partner conflicts
We build relationships for life!